Advertisers who create the ads for our beloved politicians as well as the so called Super Pacs refer to uninformed voters as the "stupid element." They will create ads for their clients that are totally false just to appeal to these "stupid voters" as they all them and they also know these individuals will
believe them and pass it on to others if repeated often enough. This year's Presidential race is the dirtiest and most dishonest in history from both sides with these 'stupid" ads in our faces everyday.
First, I have to apologize for writing a political article in our travel industry newsletter. However, the
results of this year's race as to who will become our next President willdrastically shape this country's future.
I just feel compelled to say something. Just in case you are wondering about me, I am neither a Democrat nor Republican. I generally vote for the individual and what he/she stands for that
is relative to my beliefs. I follow politics very closely and generally search out the real truth after an important statement by any politician or advertisement.
The following comments are straight forward and have beenchecked out thoroughly and they are in plain English.
The first rule of thumb for any voter is not to believe the political ads from either party. 95%
of these advertisements are totally false or at a minimum, twisting the real facts for their own or their party's benefit. If you are one of the 50% of the American voters who don't take the time to know these candidates, but base your decision on advertising sound bites or statements made by individuals during media interviews, you are doing yourself and your country a disservice.
I can write a 30 page article on politics but we just have enough time to mention
the issues we hear mostly about. Here are a few.
1. If you believe in the separation of Church and State, you should vote for Obama.
2. If you are a long term Republican and don't approve of your Party being taken over by the
Tea-Baggers, the extreme religious right and the large corporations you may want
to take a more in depth look at your new Republican Party.
3. Then again, if you like what's become of the Republican Party you'll vote for
4. If you believe Obama has done little to make the promisedchanges when elected in 2008 and that responsibility is his alone and not of the previous Republican administration, then you should not vote for Obama.
5. If you believe a woman shall not have the right to choose in case of rape, incest or the mother's health, you will vote for Romney. This is also in the GOP platform.
6. If you believe all illegal immigrants, including children born in the US from illegal aliens, should be deported or as Romney says "self deported", you will vote for Romney.
7. If you believe Gay's and Lesbians should not have any rights, vote for Romney.
8. If you feel Medicare should be converted to a voucher program for citizens, please vote for
Romney. See links to the true facts websites at the end of this article.
9. Repealing so-called "ObamaCare" will eliminate the 22 million America's recently added to the insured rolls, will reopen the "donut hole" for seniors, and eliminate the opportunity for women to receive preventive care such as mammograms. Vote for Romney if you want the new insurance program repealed.
10. If you feel our economy will be repaired if we eliminate benefits from the middle class and offer more tax breaks for the very rich, you should vote for Romney.
11. If you think jobs are created by the superrich and not the middle class, you might vote Republican.
12. If you think Obama was born in Kenya and is totally responsible for today's bad
economy, you will vote for Romney.
If you feel my questions were slanted toward Obama, you are correct. I firmly believe that today's Republican Party is against all that made this country great. President Reagan is rolling over in
his grave wondering what happened to his party. Today's Republican Party would not have voted Reagan in as their Presidential nominee as he was too much of a moderate. The crazies (Most tea-party members and the religious right) are now in charge.
I don't expect you to believe all that I have said, although I did check out the facts. You can also go to the fact checking sites to seek the truth. This link will give you a list of these websites. (Please copy and paste into your browser)
I want you to understand the potential danger this country will be in if the extremes of either political party come into office. You have already seen what one element of the extreme has done to Congress with voting "no" on 100% of what the moderate Democrats or Republicans propose in the House of Representatives. I'm referring to the 40-50 Tea-Party folks elected to Congress.
Just one more thing I would like to mention for you to think about. A meeting that took place on January 20, 2008 (The night of Obama's inauguration) between 13 Republican Congressman is by itself the most damming and possibly treasonous incident brought about by elected officials of this country. Theparticipants included Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor. Please take the time to readthe entire story. Here is the link. (Please copy and paste into your browser)
In summary, I am asking you to be sure and vote this November. Please, please check out the real facts before you make that vote.
Peter Stilphen, ECC
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