Written by Peter Stilphen, ECC, who predicted JoyStar's demise 4 years before it happened. YTB, the multi-level-marketing darling of at one time 150,000 thousand referral and pseudo travel agents. Now under 50,000 along with many travel suppliers will soon feel the same hurt and chaos others did when the bankrupt Travelstar/JoyStar went down in 2008/2009. I know many travel agents and suppliers were hurt badly when JoyStar went down. Fortunately, over the years many JoyStar agents did heed my advice and moved on leaving those not so smart loyalists with lost commissions at the end.
We are now in a second scenario with the largest of the MLM/card mill operations, YTB, about to take the plunge. Recent high interest borrowing of short term money, the sudden resignation of its, COO, CFO, VP of Training and a couple of directors have signaled the end is near, very near. Their stock is around 3 cents. This is all the same scenario as prior to JoyStar's collapse. I have read that the Federal Department of Justice may be looking into illegal activities. You can read more details in John Frenaye's column in the quick link section below.
I cannot emphasize the importance of anyone doing business with YTB, that they first check the facts and recent goings on with this company and make a decision. Time, in my opinion, is of the essence to both travel agents and suppliers.
Please keep in mind that all multi-level-marketers and "card mills" are in serious trouble as it is impossible to sustain a profit with just commissions from the sale of travel. I'm sure the YTB, COO and VP realized this as they moved over to a non- travel MLM known as Vollara. The economic conditions also play a good part in weeding out these people as it exposes their weaknesses. MLMs must continue to create their pyramid schemes, sucker greedy consumers into joining their network and selling "get rich quick" worthless websites which comprises over 75% of their business. MLMs do not belong in the travel business period.
Those YTB agents and remaining suppliers who are still procrastinating, "WAKE UP." as it may already be too late.
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